Do you come across a lot of interesting articles online, but don't always have the time to read them? Read It Later Pro for your Android phone allows you to queue up as many as you'd like for later perusal. And the best part is: You don't even need an Internet signal.
Because I'm a bit of a goon, I tend to spend a lot of time reading news and weird science articles online. There's a lot of information on the web, however, so I don't always get around to reading every one. That's why Read It Later Pro is kind of an ideal app to have on hand.This app allows you to put stories all in one place, so you can read them on the go, when you have time. Instead of distracting yourself while you're supposed to be working, you can check articles out later, when you're riding on public transportation, sitting in a waiting room, or stuck in traffic.
What's especially great about Read It Later is that you can make your lists online, and they'll automatically sync up with your phone. Even better, when you add an article to your Read It Later list, the app remembers where you left off.
Users also have the opportunity to customize their experience — allowing for tweaks to font style and text sizes.
The app's greatest feature, though, is the fact that you can read your stories from anywhere, because Read It Later doesn't require a working Internet signal. That means you can read even if you don't have service — which is probably the time you could most benefit from an app like this.
If you get a lot of your news online, but don't always have time to read as much as you'd like, Read It Later Pro will be a nice addition to your Android library. It's certainly worth the $0.99 investment.
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